The Truth About Mood Disorders & Mental Health Help

Mood disorders are incredibly common. Still, many people know very little about these mental health conditions. Counselors are all too familiar with the impact of these conditions. Are you looking for more information about mood disorders? If so, you're in the right place. These are among the most common questions people have about these conditions. What Are Mood Disorders? There are many mood disorders. Some of the most common include depression, bipolar disorder, and cyclothymic disorder.   Read More...

CPR And First Aid Training

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) can save the life of an adult, a teen, or a child who is in distress. This type of training is vital to anyone who works in an industry that caters to a lot of people. The training can also be an asset to those who work in high-risk situations where someone could easily become distressed. Online Skills There are some courses that the American Heart Association offers that can be conducted entirely online.   Read More...

Osteoarthritis Treatment: What You Should Know About Your Options

Many people believe osteoarthritis to simply be an inevitability of aging. While it is, inherently, a condition that develops as you age, that doesn't mean it's inevitable. However, if you are one of the many people who are diagnosed with osteoarthritis each year, you might then wonder how best to treat your pain. There are some things that you should understand about osteoarthritis and its treatment options. Here are a couple of those things to consider and discuss with your doctor.   Read More...

Medical Clinics Or A Specialist Visit? What Patients Need To Know

Do you need to see a specialist? You have an ache, pain, illness, or another health-related issue. But you're not sure which type of provider to see. Before you make an appointment with the first doctor you google, take a look at what you need to know about medical clinics, physicians, and your options. What Are Physician Clinics? Physician, or medical, clinic is a broad term for general health-care practices. These clinics include community-based centers, urgent care providers, and doctor's offices.   Read More...

Using Stem Cell Treatments for Your Chronic Knee Pain

Chronic knee problems can be so significant that they negatively impact your quality of life by causing intense pain and mobility issues. For patients that are suffering from this problem, stem cell treatments may be an option that can provide relief from these symptoms. Knee Pain Stem Cell Treatments Are Minimally Invasive Some people may assume that the only option for treating their knee pain is to undergo invasive surgical procedures.   Read More...