A Surgical Procedure May Be Needed To Relieve Your Chronic Sinusitis Symptoms

Chronic sinusitis can make you feel miserable. Your doctor might try medications and other treatments to give you relief, but when those methods don't work, you may need surgery to correct a problem that causes your sinusitis. There are a few ways to do chronic sinusitis surgery. Endoscopic sinus surgery is a common choice, and this might be what your doctor recommends if it's suitable for your condition. Here's how this chronic sinusitis procedure works.

The Procedure Is Done With An Endoscope

You won't need any incisions for this surgery, and that makes recovery a little easier. The surgeon uses an endoscope which is a long tube they pass into your nostril. The tube has a light and camera that can send high-quality video to a monitor so the doctor can see inside your nose clearly to look for problems. You may have a CT scan prior to surgery so your doctor knows what to expect when it comes to polyps and obstructions. This chronic sinusitis procedure is done with general anesthesia, but you'll probably get to go home once you're awake. However, you won't be able to drive and you'll need a trusted friend or relative to help you home.

The Surgeon Performs Procedures

The endoscope allows the surgeon to perform procedures as well as visualize the inside of your nose. If you have a polyp or obstruction, these may be to blame for your sinusitis by keeping infection from draining. The surgeon can remove polyps and even enlarge your nasal passage. This can be done by reducing the size of enlarged bony structures, removing excess tissue, and improving a deviated septum. Your nose may or may not be packed with gauze when the surgery is complete.

Recovery Might Take A Few Weeks

Your recovery period for this chronic sinusitis procedure depends on the type of work that was done inside of your nose. You might have visual disturbances, swelling, and discomfort for several days. Your doctor may recommend taking off from work for a week or two depending on your circumstances.

Since there are no incisions, your skin won't need recovery time, but you'll need to allow the inside of your nose time to heal. To do this, you might need to avoid strenuous activity for several days. Your doctor prepares you ahead of time for your recovery phase so you know what to expect and can have supplies on hand for rinsing and caring for your nose. Bleeding, pain, congestion, and fatigue are to be expected for the first few days.

For more info about chronic sinusitis surgery, contact a local professional. 
