Candidiasis: What You Need To Know
Fungi exist in every human body, but sometimes, they become out of balance and their presence increases more than it should. One of those fungi is called candida, and it normally inhabits the skin, mouth, and digestive tract. When there is an overgrowth abundance, the infectious condition it causes is called candidiasis, of which there are different types depending on the location in the body. Here is a look at the typical varieties and what can be done to treat it.
Oral Thrush
This condition is caused by an overgrowth in the mouth. Babies often get this as their flora and fauna are still working themselves out for balance in the body. It is also common in those with weakened immune systems, such as those being treated for cancer or HIV-positive people. Diabetics and denture wearers are more prone to thrush as well.
The inside of the mouth and the tongue and lips will develop white patches, and the area will appear bright red. If it spreads to the throat, it can be painful to swallow. The doctor will prescribe an antifungal medication, and you may be prescribed a mouthwash as well.
Vaginal Yeast Infection
Most women will get at least one case of Candidiasis over the course of their life as it is common in pregnancy. Men can get it as well, but it is rare. The dark, moist environment of the vagina is an ideal habitat for the yeast to grow. It will produce a thick, white and clumpy discharge, similar to cottage cheese, and it may be irritating to the vaginal lips and cause a burning sensation when urinating.
It is treated with a vaginal antifungal cream suppository or pills taken by mouth. While over-the-counter medications are available, it is best to see the doctor if you have never been diagnosed with a vaginal yeast infection previously. This is because there are other vaginal infections, including sexually transmitted diseases, that can present with similar symptoms.
Diaper Rash
Just as the vagina's moist, dark environment provides the perfect conditions for yeast to grow, so too does the inside of a diaper. It's important to change a baby's diaper frequently to prevent an infection from setting in. A mild case can be cleared by keeping the area dry, exposing to air, and using regular diaper ointment, but more serious cases will require a prescription antifungal ointment.
If you suffer from frequent yeast infections, a complete physical should be conducted to rule out any underlying problems. Dietary changes, such as cutting back on sugar, which feeds yeast, should also be explored. Contact a medical office for more information on treatment for candida.