Why Going To A Solo Practitioner For Your Medical Needs Can Be Beneficial

If you are looking for a new doctor, you might want to take a few moments to consider going through a solo practitioner instead of a practice full of different doctors. To help you understand why a solo practitioner might be best, you will want to continue reading.

You Will Always Talk To The Same Doctor

Even though in the larger practices you may have the option to request all of your appointments to be with one particular doctor, depending on his or her schedule, that may not always happen for you. For example, your doctor may have so many appointments already book solid because of the size of the practice that you may need to be seen by a completely different doctor in order to have your concerns addressed as soon as possible. With a solo practitioner, you will always see your regular doctor because there is no other doctors on staff. Also, because solo practitioners are on their own, many of them will make sure that they do not accept too many brand new patients at any given time. This will ensure that the doctor will have plenty of time to see his or her patients as needed.

You Get More Personalized Care

Should you find that you are able to wait it out at a larger medical practice and always see the same doctor every time you go in for an appointment, there is a very good chance that your doctor will not be able to remember you or anything about your medical needs. He or she will simply have to rely on the notes in your charts. However, a solo practitioner usually has the ability to really get to know his or her patients a little more. This means your doctor will begin to remember you, have a more thorough understanding of your medical history, and can therefore offer you the best possible medical care. Some people might even suggest that after some time, their doctor begins to feel as though he or she is part of their family. After all, they know a lot of personal things about their patients.

Once you have decided that it is best for you to find a solo practitioner, you will want to get started with your search to find the very best one. When you  have found a great doctor, you will want to go ahead and schedule a wellness visit in order to start establishing your records there. Visit a site like http://www.florhamparkobgyn.com for more help.
