Pediatric Calcium Deficiency: A Closer Look For Concerned Parents

You do what you can to ensure you child eats healthy and gets the proper nutrition, but occasionally, deficiencies can show up in spite of your efforts where vitamins and minerals are concerned. Calcium is perhaps one fo the most widely regarded nutrients that holds importance for a growing child, because the calcium supports healthy bone development. Therefore, calcium deficiency is a really big deal in a young child. As a parent, it is a good idea to get to know a bit about calcium deficiency. Here are a few of the most common questions and concerns about pediatric calcium deficiency. 

What are some of the problems that can lead to pediatric calcium deficiency?

Calcium deficiency is most often associated with poor nutrition, which can be a problem for parents of picky eaters who may not like calcium-rich foods like dairy products or certain vegetables. However, calcium deficiency can also be caused by:

  • intestinal issues which are preventing proper calcium absorption
  • lack of sunlight exposure (the skin creates Vitamin D when exposed to the sun and it is necessary for calcium absorption) 
  • the mother being calcium deficient during pregnancy
  • bottle feeding, as calcium found in breastmilk is more readily absorbed in the body

How will you know your child is not getting enough calcium?

Calcium deficiency can be a little difficult to diagnose in comparison to some other nutritive deficiencies in children simply because the issue has to be fairly severe before it is totally recognizable. One indicator of calcium deficiency is dental caries or brittle teeth, but the issue often gets blamed on lack of dental care or things like sending a child to bed with a bottle. Children with calcium deficiencies may be more prone to fractures and broken bones, and may have developmental bone growth issues, like legs that bow outward or abnormal curvature of the spine. 

What can your pediatrician do for calcium deficiency?

Thankfully, when caught early, calcium deficiency in children is perfectly treatable. Your pediatrician may recommend supplement to be taken orally or added to foods if your child is too young for traditional vitamins. It is always better if you can naturally incorporate calcium into your child's diet, whether it is by encouraging them to drink more milk and eat more dairy and green leafy vegetables. Likewise, make sure your little one is getting an ample amount of sunlight so their body can aptly support calcium absorption during digestion. 

Contact a company like Orthopaedic Associates Of Rochester for more information on boosting calcium intake.
