3 Myths About Children's Vaccines Debunked
From the time a child is born they receive multiple vaccinations. The vaccines are for diseases that would be deadly to babies and children if they were to contract them; some of these diseases are polio, measles, whooping cough, and hepatitis B. Despite the overwhelming evidence that vaccines are safe and effective, many people still believe the myths that continue to persist about vaccines. Considering that vaccines have helped eradicate deadly diseases and can prevent certain diseases from occurring, it's important to know the myths and the facts. Follow the guide below to debunk vaccine myths.
Myth: Infants can't handle too many vaccines.
While infant's immune systems are extremely delicate, they do have the ability to respond to the antigens (the dead or weakened virus) in vaccines. Babies are born with antibodies that they receive from their mother while in utero, so their immune systems are able to handle as many vaccines as are necessary. Additionally, the amount of antigens that babies get from vaccines pales in comparison to the endless amounts of germs and bacteria that their immune systems are exposed to everyday.
Myth: Some vaccines are unnecessary since certain diseases no longer exist.
The reason certain diseases no longer exist is because of mass vaccination rates. If large numbers of people stopped being vaccinated for diseases that have been eradicated, those diseases are at a risk for returning. Furthermore, international travel is extremely common, so just because a disease no longer exists in your country doesn't mean you're not at risk for it in another country. The only way to keep certain deadly diseases from returning is for everyone to continue to be vaccinated against them.
Myth: Following a schedule that delays vaccines is beneficial.
Many people believe that following a schedule that delays vaccines has medical benefits and can help prevent autism. Multiple studies have shown there is no link between vaccines and autism, and there is no medical evidence that following a delayed vaccine schedule has benefits. Conversely, following a delayed schedule can leave a child at risk for contracting deadly diseases. The recommended schedule is very specific for a reason, and it's based on the amount of risk a child is at for getting a specific disease at a certain time in their life.
Misconceptions about vaccines have been around for years, but by educating yourself on the myths and facts you can help spread the truth to others and keep your society healthy and free of some deadly diseases. Consider contacting a pediatrician, such as Pediatric And Young Adult Medicine, to further discuss your questions and concerns.