What You Need To Know About Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding is known as "bruxism" and is something you shouldn't take lightly. While it may not seem like grinding your teeth can be a real reason for concern, it can actually lead to some serious issues. This article will inform you of the different problems teeth grinding can bring on and how you can determine whether or not you may be grinding your teeth in your sleep.

Problems teeth grinding can cause

  • Worn teeth: One of the major problems that grinding your teeth can cause is a great deal of wear to your teeth. You can grind a lot of the enamel off of them. The enamel is the hard outer shell that protects the middle of your teeth from damage such as cavities, fractures, exposed nerves and more.
  • Misaligned jaw: After grinding your teeth for a good amount of time, your jaw can start to become misaligned. This can cause you to experience jaw pain and throw off your natural bite. When your bite isn't correct, unnatural pressure is placed on the wrong areas of your teeth, which can increase your chances of tooth damage, such as fractures or breaks.
  • Headaches: Grinding your teeth can also lead to frequent headaches. These headaches often tend to be worse first thing in the morning right after you wake up.

How to know if you are grinding your teeth in your sleep

If you are grinding your teeth in your sleep, you may not be aware of it. Therefore, you want to learn the signs of teeth grinding so you can get in to see the dentist as soon as possible.

Your partner will be a big help in determining whether or not you grind your teeth, if you have one. They can let you know if they hear you grinding your teeth and warn you if it's something you start to do on a regular basis.

Grinding your teeth can also cause you to wake up in the morning with a sore jaw. Your jaw can feel like the muscles are tight, or it can feel like it is bruised on the inside. You may even notice that the neck muscles right under your jaw are a bit tender as well.

Treatment for Teeth Grinding

If you have been grinding your teeth, there is help available. Your dentist will be able to fit you for a nighttime mouth guard. This is a plastic piece that fits comfortably in your mouth while you sleep and keeps you from being able to grind your teeth. This is why you want to get in to see the dentist as soon as you determine you may have an issue.
