Tips For Dealing With Plantar Fasciitis

Dealing with pain in the legs and feet can really get in the way of your normal daily life.  Plantar fasciitis causes pain in the heel of the foot.  This is an injury from overuse and causes the fascia, which connects your heel bone to your toes, to become inflamed and cause pain.  After you've paid a visit to your podiatrist, there are some simple things that you can do to ease the pain and make the condition subside.  Here are a few things to try at home to help your plantar fasciitis pain. 


Stretch the muscle and ease the calf muscle in order to keep the plantar fasciitis pain away.  Place your hands on the wall and keep one leg straight with the heel on the floor, and the other knee is bent.  Stretch the leg and heel that is on the floor.  Stretching the muscle on the back of the leg and into the heel will help with the pain. 


Put an ice pack on your heel for several minutes.  Do this several times a day to help with the pain and to reduce swelling.  Never apply ice directly onto the body, but use a thin towel over your skin. 


It is very important to never go barefoot.  This causes your feet to be under more strain and puts stress on the plantar fascia.  Instead, wear shoes that give you adequate arch support.  Shoes with a small raised heel will reduce the pain as well.


Any over the counter anti-inflammatory medications will help the swelling and the pain.  Ibuprofen is an example of an anti-inflammatory medication that can be taken several times a day for pain and swelling in the heel.   

Take a Break     

When you are feeling the pain of plantar fasciitis, it is a good idea to cut out a lot of the physical activities.  You should rest your feet and give your heel the time it needs to recuperate. 

Night Splint   

The podiatrist can give you a splint to be worn at night that will help your plantar fascia keep a steady stretch while you sleep.  This will alleviate much of the pain that comes with waking up and getting out of bed. 

Walking Cast     

The podiatrist, one like Northside Foot & Ankle, can give you a removable walking cast that you can use to walk around.  Your foot needs to stay immobile in order to heal over time.  Your foot will need to rest while you are still able to walk, so that it can properly heal.

Physical Therapy     

If your plantar fasciitis is not healing after taking these precautions and doing these exercises at home, your podiatrist may prescribe physical therapy.  The more you are able to stretch and work the fascia, the quicker your plantar fasciitis will go away.  Remember to keep the muscle stretched out in order to prevent it from coming back after excessive walking.   
