Common Myths And Misconceptions About Impaired Vision And Eye Glasses
According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, as estimated 3.6 million Americans over the age of 40 were classified as "visually impaired" in 2008. Chances are, during their lifetime, many of these visually-impaired individuals were introduced to a number of seemingly-believable and sometimes bizarre myths about eyesight health and eye wear. Here are a few common eyesight and eye wear myths you've probably encountered, as well:
Do What Mom Said and "Eat Your Carrots"
As a child, did you spend what seemed like hours sitting at the table staring at a cold plate of vegetables? Eating vegetables is great for your overall health, but when it comes to the myth of dining on carrots to boost your eyesight, you can happily put down your fork – but don't completely eliminate this and the other vitamin A rich foods from your diet.
According to WebMD, dining on copious amounts of carrots isn't necessary and instead to promote healthy vision, you should indulge your love of many foods and beverages that contain vitamin A – including:
Sweet Potato
Red Peppers
Several Types of Fish, Including Sturgeon and Oysters
However, don't go overboard by sticking to a completely vitamin A-centered diet in the hopes of somehow magically improving your vision. You only need a small amount of vitamin A to keep your eyes healthy, and overdoing it can actually prove detrimental to your overall health.
Wearing Glasses Actually Makes Your Eyesight Worse
As bizarre as this common myth might sound, many people have bought into the idea that wearing your glasses too much will actually make your eyesight worse. This myth might be based on the fact that eyesight weakens as you age, but this is a natural process that has nothing to do with wearing corrective eye wear, including contact lenses.
If you begin to notice your eyesight isn't as sharp as it used to be, don't hesitate to visit your doctor immediately instead of tossing your glasses or contacts in the trash. Chances are you require an adjustment to your prescription because you're needs have simply changed!
Sit Away From the TV and Turn a Light On When You Read
Once again, the traditional "mother" figure is partly to blame for two very common myths. The first is a correlation between poor eyesight and sitting too closely to the television while enjoying your favorite cartoons as a child. Luckily, the worst you'll suffer is a nasty headache and if you have a child who constantly moves closer to the television despite many threats of punishment, they might need to visit the eye doctor themselves!
Reading in inadequate light and its connection to vision loss is another untruth you've probably heard. Once again, squinting your eyes while enjoying your favorite novel or magazine won't make you go blind and instead, might give you a splitting headache, instead!
Sorry, You Lost the Genetic Lottery
When it comes to your faulty eyesight, you might think you solely have your parents to blame. However, before you assume that weak genetics has doomed you to a life of banging your knees on the bedside table while fumbling for your glasses in the morning, according to Dr. Mao Shing Ni, there are simple things you can do everyday to improve your eyesight.
For example, Dr. Mao Shing Ni recommends giving your eyes a break for at least 10 minutes every hour you're on the computer. Even rolling your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise a few times each day can help you keep you eyesight as healthy and strong as possible.
No matter what your age, genetics or overall health, your eyesight can change dramatically from year to year. Even if you don't wear glasses or notice any change in your vision, it's still vital to visit your ophthalmologist or a place like the Spectacle Shoppe, Inc. every year to ensure there aren't any conditions that could affect your sight down the road.