Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow: How To Get Rid Of Unwanted Hair This Summer

Winter is finally over and summer has officially arrived. It's time to start baring your skin and enjoying the warmth. Before you bare too much of your skin, don't forget about the hair removal. The last thing you want is for people to notice your unwanted hair growth. If you're not sure which hair removal process to use this summer, here are four methods for you to choose from.

Give Yourself a Close Shave

If you're just going for a quick hair removal process, pick up a shaver and give yourself a close shave. Shaving will get rid of the unwanted hair on a short-term basis, but you'll need to keep up with the maintenance. One of the problems with shaving is that you only remove the top portion of the hair, but the follicle remains. Unfortunately, that means that your hair will grow back quicker and thicker each time you shave. Not only that, but it's not great for removing unwanted hair from the bikini region.

Wax Away the Unwanted Hair

Waxing is a great way to rid yourself of unwanted skin, even on the bikini region. It's also good removing facial hair, especially on the lip. One of the problems with waxing is that there's quite a bit of pain involved, which is caused by the fact that the wax adheres to your skin and is pulled off quickly. Not only that, but you're left with an obvious irritation on the skin that has been waxed.

Sweeten Up the Hair Removal Process

If you like the idea of removing hair all the way down to the follicle, but don't like the pain and irritation involved with waxing, it's time to sweeten up the hair removal process. Many salons now use a sugar paste to remove unwanted hair. The great thing about sugar is that it doesn't adhere to the skin, so you don't have to deal with the pain that accompanies waxing. You also don't have to deal with the red irritation that you get from waxing.

Make It Long-Lasting with Laser Removal

If you're looking for a more permanent solution to hair removal, including those on those delicate regions of your body, you need to turn to laser hair removal. Laser hair removal doesn't cause pain, leaves on signs of skin irritation, and lasts much longer than shaving, waxing, or sugar applications. After a laser hair removal session, your skin will be smooth, and hair-free.
