FAQ About Ototoxicity & Getting Treated

Do you seem to feel dizzy a lot and have problems with hearing sounds? The root cause of the problem might be a condition known as ototoxicity. Basically, ototoxicity can occur when your body is exposed to certain types of drugs or chemicals that can damage the inner ear. This article will answer some of the questions that you might have about ototoxicity in case you are diagnosed with it.

How Does Ototoxicity Damage the Inner Ear?

Ototoxicity can damage the inner ear by in more than one way. For instance, the condition can cause harm to the hair-like cells in the inner ear by causing them to not stand up as they should. The cells must be able to bend down as a way of communicating with the vestibule-cochlear nerve. The vestibule-cochlear nerve is another thing that ototoxicity can damage; ototoxicity can interfere with the nerves ability to communicate with your brain so you can hear and stay balanced.

What Kind of Drugs & Chemicals Can Cause Ototoxicity?

Aminoglycoside antibiotics and drugs that contain aspirin can cause ototoxicity to occur. You can find out if you are taking any specific drugs that are possibly contributing to your hearing problem by speaking to a specialist about it. Some of the chemicals that can contribute to ototoxicity include:

  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Manganese
  • Carbon monoxide

What Are the Symptoms of Ototoxicity?

The symptoms of ototoxicity can vary between each individual, as it depends on which area of the inner ear is damaged and how severe it is. Whether or not you are experiencing ototoxicity in one or both ears can also have an effect on the symptoms. For instance, two-sided ototoxicity might cause you to feel fullness in your ears and imbalance to the extent of having a hard time walking. Vomiting, headaches and fatigue are other symptoms of ototoxicity.

How Can Ototoxicity Be Treated?

If ototoxicity has caused you to experience problems with staying balanced, undergoing physical therapy can help. Improving the quality of your hearing can be done by wearing a hearing aid, and some of them have better qualities than others. For instance, you can opt for a hearing aid that can automatically adapt to specific sound profiles, such as by making sounds softer or louder for your comfort. Some hearing aids can stream music or phone calls from certain mobile devices directly into your ears, and without the need for headphones. Find out if you have ototoxicity so you can get a hearing aid that meets your needs. 

For more information, contact a company like Abingdon Falls Plaza Hearing Center.
