Are You Falling For These Birth Control Myths?
Birth control comes in many forms, but many women do not realize that they are not utilizing all their options. If you have been told one of these myths, it is important that you read up on the facts to learn more.
Myth: There is no hormone-free method of birth control
Fact: Actually, you can go hormone-free without being afraid of hormones wreaking havoc on your body. The copper IUD is a great option. Barrier methods, including diaphragms and condoms, are also free of hormones. Some people rely on awareness surrounding fertility and avoid sex during ovulation. This is called natural family planning.
Myth: If I start using the birth control pill I will gain weight.
Fact: While commonly touted as a side effect, birth control does not necessarily cause weight gain. It is more common for the birth control shot to have this effect, but not necessarily the pill or patch.
Myth: If I use birth control for years on end I will no longer be fertile.
Fact: At this time, no evidence suggests that birth control has any impact on your overall fertility. For many people trying to get pregnant later in life, age is the most important factor. Fertility does tend to decrease with age.
Myth: It's a good idea to stop taking birth control every once in a while.
Fact: While it is certainly not going to hurt you to stop taking birth control, there is no medical reason to do so if you otherwise healthy. In fact, you are also likely to start experiencing the side effects every time you start. The only instance in which it is wise to change methods is when you are using the injection, which is typically recommended for two years in a row at most.
Myth: The doctor won't give me an IUD until I have children.
Fact: The efficacy of IUDs makes them a good choice for most women, even those without children. For this reason, many parents consider this option for their own teenagers.
Myth: I'm over 35. It's too risky for me to be on the birth control pill.
Fact: Researchers tend to agree that women over 35 can continue to take the birth control pill so long as they do not have other risk factors. For instance, women who smoke or who are considered medically obese may be at high risk of blood clots if they continue to take the pill.
The best thing to do if you have questions about birth control is to speak with your doctor. Your gynecologist will provide you with plenty of birth control options to choose from.
To learn more, contact a doctor's office like Western Branch Center for Women.